Next Gen Member Profile: Hannah Long, CWA District 2-13

Name: Hannah Long
Local: CWA Local 2204
Workplace: I work for AT&T Mobility in Lebanon, Va.
Title: In my Local, I am an organizer, the Norton Area Vice President, an Executive Board member, and a member of the Human Rights Committee. I am the Next Gen Lead Activist for CWA District 2-13 and the Secretary of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) of Virginia.
Time with Next Gen: 8 months.
Mentorship: Former Norton AVP and Organizer Leaburn Kennedy has probably been my most important mentor. She always told me, “You will get out of the union what you put into it.” She has always inspired me to get involved in the labor movement. As a young organizer, she taught me the importance of getting others involved and lifting them up in the labor movement.
Inspiration: Being from Southwestern Virginia, the Pittston Coal Strike (1989–90) left a lasting impression on me. When I started at AT&T in 2017, the contract had just expired, and I started as a mobilizer after just a few months on the job. That lit a spark for me, and I have been eager to do more ever since. I got involved in the Next Gen program because I think it’s so important to teach young workers about the struggles and sacrifices of earlier generations of union members.
Current Work: Like a lot of CWA activists, I’m gearing up for a lot of political work this fall. I am also working with members of the United Campus Workers-CWA in my state to plan some solidarity events when they start back in the fall. I am also co-leading our Confronting Bias Team, which is a partnership with the National Human Rights Department.
Quote: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” CWA District 1 Connecticut Area Director Pat Telesco often used this quote during bargaining to remind us that no matter how big the task, you’ve just got to take your first bite and to take it one bite at a time. Anytime I’m faced with a difficult or daunting task, I always remember that and just get to work.
Hannah would like to connect with young activists and potential mentors across CWA District 2-13. If you’re interested in getting involved, send her an email message to
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