Graduate students, staff, and faculty began organizing at Georgia Institute of Technology in the Fall of 2018.
We are fighting for change on the following issues:
- Living Wages: We demand (1) a $21/hour minimum wage (2) guaranteed cost of living adjustments of at least 3% for all employees, (3) dignified pay for all full- AND part-time workers. Sign our Living Wage Petition today!
- Mobility: We demand (1) parking alternatives to current $800 parking permit, (2) affordable mobility options for commuters.
- Graduate Stipend: We demand (1) increase the minimum stipend to a living wage, (2) guaranteed cost of living adjustments, (3) fair treatment for all departments and job titles (GRA, GTA, RA, etc.)
If you’d like to join the fight for better wages and working conditions or learn more about our campus chapter, contact!