CWAers Join Virtual Rally in Support of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Strikers

Approximately 100 CWAers and union siblings joined in solidarity with striking Pittsburgh Post-Gazette workers in a virtual rally on Tuesday. The Post-Gazette workers have been on strike for over a year, maintaining their picket lines and their solidarity through 2023’s longest ongoing U.S. strike.
TVO CMG members, who recently won their first real wage increase in 10 years after striking for 11 weeks, showed up in solidarity with the Post-Gazette strikers. Supporters also included Larry Cohen, former CWA President; Jon Schleuss, NewsGuild-CWA President; Marian Needham, TNG-CWA Vice President; Don Villar, Secretary-Treasurer of the Chicago Federation of Labor; and Bill O’Meara, NewsGuild representative to the CWA Defense Fund Oversight Committee, accompanied by the full committee.
“Our resolve is strengthened by the support and solidarity that NewsGuild and CWA members across the world have given us since day one of this strike,” said Andrew Goldstein, Post-Gazette Education reporter on strike and unit chair. "It is because of that support that we still believe we can win this fight, and when we do, it will be a victory not just in Pittsburgh but for everyone who stood with us during these challenging months.”
As the holiday season approaches, CWA members are uniting to send messages of support to the strikers, to provide food and gas gift cards, and to purchase items from their gift registry. To participate, visit You can also donate to their strike fund. All donations go directly to helping striking workers and their families pay rent, utility bills, and other necessities.
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